What Is Emotional Trauma? Types, Causes, Signs, And Symptoms Of Emotional Trauma

How To Recover From Emotional Trauma

Article At Glance: Emotional trauma can affect anyone, regardless of background or age. Emotional Trauma is a result of a stressful event.  Supporting a loved one through trauma involves patience and understanding of their recovery needs. Welcome to sadness The temperature is unbearable until you face it Thank you for flying with Strange Airlines I […]

The Four Horsemen In Relationship And Their Antidotes

Woman In Stress Finding Out The Way In Her Laptop To Cope Up With Her Stress

Article At Glance: The Four Horsemen are Criticism, Defensiveness, Contempt, and Stonewalling. Each of these behaviors has an antidote that can help improve communication and connection. Learning these skills in counseling can strengthen both romantic and everyday relationships. If you have ever attended couples counseling, there is a good chance that you have learned some […]

Feeling Emotionally Numb: Signs, Symptoms & Strategies

Woman Feeling Emotionally Numb

Article At Glance: Use mindfulness, body awareness, and rhythmic movements to reconnect mind and body. Recognize and reduce stressors like work, relationships, and life events causing numbness. Seek support from friends, family, and therapists to avoid isolation. Healing occurs within a community. Prioritize self-care: sleep well, spend time outside, and bond with pets to reconnect […]

How To Recover From Emotional Trauma

Recover From Your Emotional Trauma With Best Therapies

Article At Glance: Connection rebuilds trust and supports trauma recovery. Safety and empowerment restore control of PTSD, depression, and anxiety. Movement and physical activity can improve mental health by promoting relaxation and reducing stress.   Ways To Heal Emotional Trauma (1) Connection and community are essential for trauma recovery Earlier we discussed that trauma is […]

Dealing With Difficult People: Therapist Approved Strategies For Effective Communication

Boy Having ADHD Needs counseling

Article At Glance: Stay grounded when interacting with difficult people to control your emotions and responses. Get curious about the other person’s perspective to build empathy and improve communication. Ask a friend for help, offering support and a fresh perspective if you feel overwhelmed. Share your feelings openly and plan your actions to handle challenging […]